Parent Care Management Services, Inc.
Office personnel are on-site 9am to 5pm Mon - Thurs; 9-3 on Friday
Microwave, refrigerators, Keurig, sink, toaster oven,
Fax available; First 10 copies free, add'l copies will be charged at 7 cents each.
Office personnel are on-site 9am to 5pm Mon - Thurs; 9-3 on Friday
Microwave, refrigerators, Keurig, sink, toaster oven,
Fax available; First 10 copies free, add'l copies will be charged at 7 cents each.
Parent Care Management Services, Inc. (PCMS) recognizes that in operating their business, there are risks of exposure to COVID-19 for employees and customers, as it is highly contagious and has a mortality rate greater than the flu. In addition:
COVID-19 can spread easily and exponentially
While persons of all ages are at risk for catching COVID-19, individuals with compromised immune systems and the elderly may be at particular risk
In operating, PCMS acknowledges the risks of COVID-19 exposure to its employees and clients and is committed to providing a safe and healthy business environment. To ensure that, the following Business Operation Plan (Plan) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been developed. All employees, including managers and staff, are responsible for implementing and complying with all aspects of this Plan to mitigate the potential for transmission of COVID-19 in our workplaces, and requires full cooperation among staff and management. Only through this cooperative effort can the safety and health of all staff and persons in our workplace be maintained and established. PCMS managers and supervisors have full support in enforcing the provisions of this policy.
Our staff is our most important asset, and we want to ensure that they and our clients remain healthy and safe. We are serious about safety and health and keeping our staff working at Parent Care Management Services, Inc. Our Plan follows Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and San Bernardino County Department of Public Health (SBCDPH) guidelines, as well as the federal OSHA standards related to COVID-19, and addresses the following:
Infection prevention measures;
Prompt identification and isolation of sick persons;
Engineering and administrative controls for social distancing, including reduced occupancy requirements;
Sanitation policies and procedures, including cleaning, disinfecting and decontamination;
Communications and training for managers and staff necessary to implement the plan; and
Procedures to ensure effective ongoing implementation of the plan.
Date of Implementation: June 1, 2020
Authorized by: Carolyn Michaelis-Moe, BSN, MPA, Owner/CEO
Person Responsible for Implementing the Plan: Carolyn Michaelis-Moe, R.N., MPA, Owner/CEO
Infection Prevention Measures
Protective Supplies:
Masks (Disposable and/or Reusable)
Provided to staff by PCMS Business Owner
Provide to clients by staff when/if needed (i.e. going to an appointment or outing) and if no respiratory risks are present for the client)
Required to be worn by staff at all times when interacting with clients, caregivers, or community partners
Staff will notify Business Owner when they need to be supplied with more.
Disinfectant and Sanitation Materials
Hand Sanitizer, Sanitizing Wipes, and/or Sanitizing Spray will be provided to staff for use in the field by PCMS Business Owner
Staff will notify Business Owner when they need to be supplied with more
Hand Sanitizer, Sanitizing Wipes, and Sanitizing Spray will be provided for office use by PCMS Business Owner
Sanitizing Spray for office use located in Break Room and Bathrooms
Sanitizing Wipes for office use located Break Room
Alcohol-based (60%+) Hand Sanitizer for office use located in Break Room and Lobby
Business Owner will keep Sanitation Materials for office use well-stocked to extent possible
Sanitation and Respiratory etiquette:
Directions are provided by PCMS Business Owner to staff and visitors on proper handwashing procedures
Training will be provided by PCMS Business Owner to staff on how to put on and take off Personal Protective Equipment
Directions are provided to staff and visitors by PCMS Business Owner on covering their mouth and nose with their sleeve or a tissue when coughing or sneezing and to avoid touching their face, in particular their mouth, nose and eyes, with their hands
External Risk Mitigation:
When deliveries are received, staff is to remove outer boxes, discard in recycling, and wash hands thoroughly after touching.
If clients or other visitors must come into the office they will be screened for symptoms and required to wear masks and sanitize their hands immediately upon entering the building; if symptoms are present, they will not be allowed to enter
Identification and Isolation
Screening Process:
Employees are required to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19, per CDC Guidelines
Employees are encouraged to conduct temperature checks before leaving their home to visit a client
Caregivers working with PCMS clients are required to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19, per CDC Guidelines, and to follow any additional protocols as set forth by their Employers.
Quarantine Process:
Employees that are experiencing a frequent cough, fever, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, recent loss of taste or smell, or live with someone who has been diagnosed will be prohibited from working in the office or visiting clients and will self-isolate at home for 14 days
Employees that report mild symptoms will remain at home until symptoms subside for at least 72 hours
Those with symptoms will seek testing to confirm COVID-19 diagnosis and follow orders from their healthcare provider before returning to work
PCMS Business Owner to report positive test findings to the local health department
Protocols for Social Distancing
PCMS is primarily a field-based business, in which employees spend the majority of their time working remotely to perform administrative duties and working directly with clients in the clients’ place of residence and/or accompanying them to appointments. Staff is to avoid driving clients in employees’ vehicles as much as possible. Working hours are flexible and dependent upon clients’ needs; therefore, there are no set shifts for PCMS employees. Employees must also, at times, provide hands-on care to clients.
Social distancing will be implemented in the office and in the field through the following engineering and administrative controls:
PCMS Business Owner to provide signage or instructions
Employees will maintain six feet of distance between each other
No Personal Contact rules in effect (no handshaking, hugging, etc.)
Items that are shared are to be sanitized frequently, but no less than 3x/week. (i.e. pens, staplers, desks, phones, computers, etc.)
Staff meetings will be held via Video Conferencing
Modify work desks to achieve distance
Breakroom rules - One person at a time in the room, due to size of room. Sanitiize spaces and eqpt used.
Handwashing guidance and instruction provided by PCMS Business Owner
Handwashing required after handling external elements (e.g. mail and packages, currency, etc)
Handwashing or use of hand sanitizer (when handwashing not accessible) required immediately before and immediately after each client interaction and before and after removing mask
Use of disposable Bed Pads (chux) required to sit on when visiting clients and to set purse/bag on
Use of disposable gloves required when providing hands-on care to clients
Disposal of gloves required immediately after providing hands-on care to clients and before touching any other surface or object
Office Housekeeping:
General workplace environment cleaned 3x/week at close of business by assigned personnel
Frequent cleaning and disinfecting will be conducted in high-touch areas, such as phones, keyboards, touch screens, controls, door handles, railings, copy machines, etc.
For shared equipment, users will sanitize after each use
Shared spaces will be equipped with Sanitizing Wipes, Spray, and Hand Sanitizer
Materials used to clean include the following:Clorox or Lysol wipes or disinfectant spray