Industry-leading workplace data & insights.

Transform your office space utilization data into actionable strategies for optimizing your real estate portfolio and workplace policy.
Your data, your way.
Workplace insights in real-time.
Exportable Spreadsheets
Download your workplace data in common formats compatible with Excel or Google Sheets. Ideal for users comfortable with spreadsheet analysis.
Insights Dashboard
Instantly visualize and explore office space utilization, behavioral patterns, and cost breakdowns. Perfect for sharing quick insights with stakeholders.
Custom Data API
Access raw data for integration with popular BI tools like Tableau, Power BI, or Looker. Create advanced custom reports tailored to your specific needs.

Track spending. Monitor budgets & behaviors.

Dive deep into your spending. Get a crystal-clear breakdown across teams, employees, locations, and timeframes. Leverage workplace data to optimize costs, identify spending trends, and make informed decisions.

Uncover hidden patterns in office space utilization.

Easily identify underutilized office locations and strategically allocate space for your teams based on usage patterns. Make informed decisions that ensure your real estate portfolio aligns perfectly with your workplace strategy.

Gain a complete view of your real estate portfolio.

Gain a unified view of your entire corporate real estate portfolio. A single dashboard consolidates dedicated offices, hubs, and flexible workspaces, offering a clear overview and simplifying data analysis across all locations.
Calculate savings

How much can you save with flexible real estate?