A Humble Start.
Newton’s First Law of Motion is a pillar of modern physics. But it can also be applied to the world of business. The driver of the global economy is innovation, and the new force acting on it today is where and how people work.
Here at LiquidSpace, we’ve been pushing on this theme for nearly a decade, unwavering in our belief that people should work from where it works. We’ve continuously challenged the 9-5 office orthodoxy – with its painful commutes, rejection of choice and unsustainable footprint. And from our launch at SXSW in 2011, we’ve watched our business grow space by space, city by city, and now country by country.
Along the way we’ve designed, tested and tuned the technology to help companies rethink the way real estate transactions happen, to inspire them to offer their employees greater choice and mobility, to enable happier workers and a healthier planet.
And then, in the blink of an eye, the world changed, the object finally gave way, the future of work arrived.
And we were already there.