Sharing Office Space at a Business Center
Use LiquidSpace for your online calendaring booking tool
Productivity. It’s a slippery beast and when day-to-day tasks like booking conference rooms, managing shared office space, and juggling calendars gets into the mix, productivity becomes ever more elusive. So, what’s the best way to cut through clutter and simplify the process? LiquidSpace tools let staff book, manage, and schedule meeting rooms and office space directly from their computers or mobile devices.
That’s what one of our serviced office clients discovered when they tested the LiquidSpace Manager against their current calendaring methods. The result? They saved over two hours a day booking and managing the center’s temporary office space through LiquidSpace. That's two more hours the venue manager has to spend on other priorities every day—that’s a productivity win-win for sure.
Office Business Center Profile
Need: Get good work done
Solution: LiquidSpace to stay connected and efficient
Multitasking is an art. Multitasking on the go is high art. Just ask Paula Cavagnaro. At any given time, she’s wearing multiple hats,
managing, navigating, networking, and accomplishing tasks as a senior director of marketing for a consumer intelligence firm.
Case in point: The hyper-connected environment at SXSW where Cavagnaro was challenged to report on developments, make contacts,
explore new partnerships, and yet execute on-going projects with her team in San Francisco.
LiquidSpace helped her meet the challenge. “I was able to post our blogs, approve some creative in process, check in with my team in San Francisco, and conduct a strategic meeting in the social, public space I found through LiquidSpace,” says Cavagnaro. “It was a perfect way to stay connected and still feel a part of the excitement of SXSW.”