CENTRL Office - Pearl District

Refridgerator, Microwave, utensils, dishes, paper products
Refridgerator, Microwave, utensils, dishes, paper products
With the coronavirus threat we are all facing, the safety of our members and staff are our number one priority. Over the last several weeks we have been closely monitoring the guidance and recommendations provided by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), the federal government, and local governments. We have instituted a number of health and safety updates to safeguard our members and employees. Our members are asked to please adhere to these policies: - Avoid groups of more than 10 people in all offices, meeting rooms, and workspaces - Keep a social distance of six feet from all other people - Regularly wash hands with soap and avoid contact with other members - Refrain from consuming any of the beer or kombucha available on tap - Refrain from using any of the showers available in some of our workspaces - Use disposable cups when drinking coffee and water provided in our workspaces - Immediately leave the workspace if it is recommended by CDC Guidance* - Immediately contact us at work@centrloffice.com if you are diagnosed with COVID-19 - While we have made updates to our health and safety policies, all CENTRL Office mailboxes, printers, wi-fi, and other IT services remain available to members. Please note that, at this time, Community Managers will be available in workspaces from 9am to 4pm am on weekdays. Additionally, if a COVID-19 case is reported in a workspace or building, we will follow protocol closely. That protocol will depend on the details of the situation, but we anticipate it will include closing the building to disinfect affected areas and quarantining anyone who potentially came in contact with the patient while they were contagious. As soon as the building is appropriately cleaned, we anticipate allowing anyone not still in quarantine to return to the workspace following CDC and public health department direction. We have determined these policies from the guidance we are receiving from federal, state, and local governments and health agencies. If we receive new guidance, we will update our policies and communicate them to all members as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please send an email work@centrloffice.com and we will respond as soon as we can. Thank you and be safe, The CENTRL Office Team Read our real-time COVID update here: https://centrloffice.com/coronavirus-safety-update/