Coworking for 1

@workspaces- Gold Coast
Cancellation Policy
We are trying to making the office environment at @Workspaces as safe as your home.
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is spread by direct contact with others who have the virus or by contact with objects that they touch. Coronavirus can be spread by people who have not yet developed symptoms
For these reasons, we have all been encouraged to cease all unnecessary travel, avoid large crowds, maintain 1.5 m distance from others, wash our hands (before and after public places and contacts), avoid touching our face (wash hands first)
We offer:
A spacious ‘low density’ & low traffic work area with separate offices
‘Safe distance’ friendly
Limited touch, access from the building entrance directly into your office
- Automatic doors on entry to building
- Centre doors propped open
- Hand sanitiser at centre reception
- Office entrance only touched by you
Antiseptic cleaning of all high touch areas throughout the day
Boardrooms, all doorhandles, bathrooms, all communal work surfaces, all kitchen & surfaces and non-washable items
COVID-19 safe behaviour to be encouraged amongst all centre occupants
We will ask you, please:
Don’t come to work if you have (Standard DHS guidelines)
- A fever OR respiratory symptoms (cough, short of breath, etc)
- Returned from overseas in the last 2 weeks
- Had any contact with a person in the above to categories or a COVID +ve person
Hand sanitiser on entering our centre & go directly to your office or designated work area. If you do walk around, please avoid unnecessary touching of items
When you do need to go to the boardroom, kitchen or bathroom etc
Please hand sanitise before entering that area (so you can’t bring virus to that area)
Please hand sanitise on leaving that area (so you can’t take virus from that area)
Kitchen Area – please only touch items (cups, glasses, plates) that you intend to use
Place all touched items (whether used or not) in the wash area (sink or dishwasher)
Visitors, Meetings & Boardroom Use
Please minimise visitors
Boardroom meeting <8-10 people
Please ask all to use hand sanitiser before and after entering our centre or boardroom
We will clean boardroom surfaces after each meeting
This may seem excessive but these are ‘hospital’ standards to try to make these offices as safe as your home