Private Office for 2
Suites 204
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Suites 204 has initiated numerous precautionary safety measures at our office. We have implemented enhanced cleaning procedures in all common areas of our building, office space, conference room and kitchen area to help prevent exposure and spread of the Coronavirus. Daily cleaning continues in accordance with updated CDC guidelines, including in individual offices, conference area and shared spaces.
We have taken the principles of physical distancing and adapted them for the workplace. Suites 204 will take proper measures to (1) ensure that you are notified if a tenant or staff member is diagnosed with COVID-19 (2) provide appropriate notice to others affiliated with the office space (3) regularly wiping down “high-touch” areas such as door handles, copier machine, common areas, conference room phones and kitchen area with disinfectant wipes.
We are asking for everyone to answer the following questions prior to entering Suites 204: If they or any of their colleagues, associates or clients answer YES to any of the following questions, we ask that they please host their meetings or work virtually and not enter Suites 204:
-Have you been asked to self-quarantine or been diagnosed with COVID-19?
-Have you experienced the recent onset of any illness-related symptoms, such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath?
-Have you traveled to, from, or through any country on the CDC watchlist in the past 14 days?
-Have you been in contact with any of the following:
Any person(s) who have traveled to, from, or through any country on the CDC watchlist in the last 14 days?
Any person(s) who has been asked to self-quarantine?
Any person(s) who has been diagnosed with COVID-19?
We are following all of the recommendations by the CDC to provide a safe environment for our members, and we ask those that are experiencing symptoms to follow the advice of their physician.