Open Desk - 30 Available

Culture City
Cancellation Policy

As an employer 1 / we have the ultimate responsibility for the workplace and a direct influence on health and safety in my / our business. The health and safety policy below outlines my/our commitment to ensuring that the workplace is as safe and healthy as reasonably practicable and that all relevant health and safety legislation is complied with.
Culture City We are committed to working in accordance with the provisions of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and other associated legislation and the requirements of this Safety Statement we are committed to fulfilling our statutory obligations to manage and co-ordinate workplace safety and health and ensuring, so as far as is reasonably practicable, that:
● Work activities are managed so as to ensure the safety, health and welfare of my/our employees The safety statement is maintained and updated, risk assessments are carried out and reviewed as required and brought to the attention of all employees at least annually Identified protective and preventive measures are implemented and maintained Improper conduct likely to put an employee's safety and health at risk is prevented A safe place of work is provided, which is adequately designed and maintained A safe means of access and egress is provided Safe plant and equipment are provided Safe systems of work are provided
● Risks to health from any article or substance are prevented
● ● ● ● ● 1.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY ● ● ●
Appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision are provided Where hazards cannot be eliminated, adequate arrangements, including the provision of suitable protective clothing and equipment, will be put in place to reduce the risk of injury Emergency plans are prepared and revised Welfare facilities are provided and adequately maintained Competent personnel to advise and assist in securing the safety, health and welfare of my/our employees are employed when required.